A Father's Cry for Justice

The Ken Arrasmith Story

A Father's Cry for Justice - The Ken Arrasmith Story

On May 17, 1995, gunfire rocked a quiet Idaho town and the resulting aftershocks of a father’s agonizing fear and desperation would shake the nation, bringing the horror of violence and abuse against children front and center.

A Father's Cry for Justice book cover

This is a thrilling true story about “A Father’s Cry for Justice” when his fifteen year old daughter was drugged, raped, and filmed by an infamous couple.

It is the inception of the worst nightmare of his life when former deputy sheriff, Ken Arrasmith learns about this violation. Knowing this couple from past arrests, he rushed to the Lewis-Clark valley, to promote justice and safety for his daughter, Jane.

Ken worked diligently to persuade law enforcement to arrest the offenders, Ron and Luella Bingham. Even though there was an eye witness report to the abuse of Jane, the sheriffs refused to arrest them. It was unknown if the couple was protected or whether police feared them since they were known to be dangerous and vindictive. Ken’s investigation brought to light a history of their violence and sexual abuse toward women and children going back twenty-five years.

Ken was extremely alarmed and terrified at being the victim of a hit order and his daughter being threatened.

This knowledge, the overwhelming fear, a new girl being groomed, and the inaction of law enforcement, propelled Ken to confront the Binghams to gather evident. At this encounter, Ken found himself in a risky position that culminates in the shooting death of the couple.

Some called it cold blooded murder, others frontier justice; Ken Arrasmith called it justifiable homicide in defense of himself and others.

The question is what did the court decide? Ken had an uphill battle, fighting for justice.

This is the story of Ken’s life, his childhood, his romance, and his tremendous cry for justice.

It is a well written story containing traumatic events, interesting side stories, sweet romance, and underlying satire.

This is the story of Ken’s life, his childhood, his romance, and his tremendous cries for justice.

It is well written story containing traumatic events, interesting side stories, sweet romance, and underlying satire.

Meet the Author


As a teacher and school counselor, Donnita Weddle began her writing career with Pathways to Responsibility, a responsibility and coping skills curriculum for school aged children.

Changing genres, A Fathers Cry for Justice, is the Ken Arrasmith story, Donnita’s former husband. Ken was charged with the murder of a couple who were accused of drugging and sexually assaulting his fifteen year old daughter.

 In 1995, the story went viral and every one had an opinion. Donnita was intent on having the complete truth exposed and to honor the victims of this infamous couple.

Donnita grew up on a farm in the Pacific Northwest, Weippe, Idaho. She attended Lewis-Clark State in Lewiston, Idaho where she earned three degrees. She later earned a Masters degree from the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. After working as a teacher and school counselor for years, she changed careers and became a real estate investor.

Donnita has two daughters, Kimberly Eileen and Lachelle Dawn Weddle and several grandchildren. She still lives in the Lewiston, Idaho area to be close to her family.

Donnita Weddle, Author of A Father's Cry for Justice

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